About Us

In Canada, indi­vid­u­als may be required to have a crim­i­nal record check (also known as Back­ground Check, Police Clear­ance, Crim­i­nal Back­ground Check, Police Clear­ance Cer­tifi­cate, Police Check, and Police Records Check) for employ­ment, vol­un­teer work, a school pro­gram, real estate licence, ware­house, taxi licence, truck­ing licence and other civil screen­ing purposes.

A Crim­i­nal Record Check is a search based on the individual’s name and date of birth in the RCMP National Repos­i­tory of Crim­i­nal Records to deter­mine whether an indi­vid­ual has a crim­i­nal record. A Crim­i­nal Record Check may also include a search of a Cana­dian police service’s local records, which may reveal crim­i­nal record infor­ma­tion that has not been reported to the RCMP.

We have been accredited and certified by the RCMP to submit fingerprints to CCRTIS in support of criminal record checks.


Email: Info@cicfingerprinting.ca

Tel: 416-498-9122

Fax: 416-498-9586